Exhibition Planner

Free Exhibition Planner Template

Download Our Exhibition Planner

If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed with the planning of your exhibition, we have something here to help – our Exhibition planner. We’ve made it really simple, easy to read and use a basic set of pointers for success.

Get the Exhibition planner

Plan your exhibition success

Our exhibition planning tool is in a simple interactive PDF format that will help you get started with a framework, so all you need do is answer the questions it asks and apply those answers to your team’s workflow.

After using our Exhibition Planner, you’ll be ready to go and put on the best exhibition you ever have. You’ll feel at ease and be able to trust that everything has been handled. Successful planning is the key to success!

FREE Exhibition Planning Guide

Simply enter your email address and click to get your beneficial exhibition planning tool.

    Exhibition Planner PDF Free Template

    Putting your planning to work

    With experience comes speed and accuracy. We’ve been doing this kind of thing for many years and have tried to steer you a certain way to approach your planning. If you follow this simple guide, you’ll make the best start for a successful event and desirable set of outcomes.

    Due to the simplification, you may well have questions for stage 2. Once you have completed this basic exhibition plan, feel free to get in touch and we’ll be able to answer any more questions you might have. Some answers to common questions can be found on our FAQ page, click below to get answers.

    Read our FAQs